Effortless, no-code access to the power of Google Earth Engine
Earth Blox gives you commercial access to Google Earth Engine’s entire catalogue of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets, and you don’t need to be an expert in Python or JavaScript to use it.
Earth Blox has allowed us to shift remote sensing and satellite imagery processing capabilities in-house, providing greater flexibility, agency, and cost-effectiveness.
Ashley Bang
Head Data Scientist, ADM Capital Foundation
Access over 900 geospatial datasets.
Create, run and report complex queries in seconds.
No Earth Observation or coding expertise needed.
Cloud-based processing. No local storage required.
UNEP Strata Case Study
As we start to see the impacts of climate change, there are growing concerns over how cumulative changes in the environment impact livelihoods. The links between environmental change, climate stresses, conflict and vulnerability of populations are complex, and access to data on such topics is not straightforward.
This was the rationale behind the development of Strata, delivered through a collaboration between Earth Blox, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the University of Edinburgh. Strata was co-designed as a tool to assist over 130 UN country teams bring together data from diverse sources and give them greater clarity on where stresses were at their highest.
Earth Blox’s partnership with Google allows us to integrate Google Earth Engine’s datasets and imagery into our software, and offer a completely code-free solution to businesses, governments, and NGOs in their mission to create positive social and/or environmental changes. We support companies who are taking action for the Sustainable Development Goals (the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all). For example, we help companies transition to net zero, monitor their environmental impacts, or operate with humanitarian or sustainability targets at the front of their minds.